Monday, October 29, 2007
Listening to the spirit
Last Wednesday Night, my friend Jen and I were out to dinner and hanging out and Jen had this great idea that she wanted to do something nice for someone and spontaneously drop something off on someone's door step annonmoulsy! I thought it was a great idea but Jen didn't know what to give or who even to do. All of a sudden, Raeday came to my mind. So, we picked Raeday. My blogging friend. We bought her a Sonic gift card and a big bag of chips with a note that said To: Desirae
From: someone thinking about you!
We knocked and was a blast and all we wanted from that was to make Desirae smile. She apparently had a bad week along with a flat tire and other things at that.
Sunday Evening while traveling home from Calfornia with Amber, Jessica and Jay....we got a text message that said Desirae was killed in a car accident on Saturday evening. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt and she was alone. My heart stopped. I cried and cried and am still crying. Although I didn't know Desirae, she always popped into read my blog and is so sweet all of the time. I loved reading what was going on in her life as well.
Life if very fragile.
A friend was visiting Desirae's mom and asked if there was ANYTHING she could help with. Her mom said yes. If only I could get a hold of this girl that Raeday loved so much. She looked up to her and knew that one day she would have her makeup done by her. She read her blog everyday and just really loved this girl......Jen Rose. I was completley touched. I didn't realize I had ever had an impact on her life. Her mom has asked me to do her makeup for the funeral. She said nothing would make her happier knowing that Desirae would be smiling down so excited. I just want to say that it is going to be very hard. But, I am honored to be asked for this blessing.
I just want all of you who maybe knew Raeday or knew of her to keep her family in your prayers please. She was 19 years old and a lot of people will be grieving of this tragic loss. I want to put something together for her mom, so if anyone is interested, please e mail me at
Let's all stick together this week. It' s a very very sad time.
Thank you so much Jen for the prompting you had to suprise someone. If you had not acted on that especially that particular day, I wouldn't have had the last suprise encouter with Desirae. SO, thank you Jen.
I love all you guys and pray that the spirit is with all of you this week as well.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sunday Dinner
We all got together for Sunday dinner at my moms today. It's been a long time and it was a BLAST! There were 19 of you can see my camera tends to lean towards my sweet Aurah girl. She was so stinkin cute! I got her the little flowered headband (thanks to Jen) and I just couldn't get enough of her. It was a great time!

A new craze this week

DId anyone watch Jessica Seinfeld on Oprah? It was the coolest thing EVER! It really was about how to puree vegetables and hide them in your kids food. I have no kids....I felt like I was hiding them from myself. Weird I know. But, I got the cookbook and not only are there a million recipes using purees, but they are ALL low fat! Amber and I spent hours working on all these purees and it was so fun! I have already tried a couple recipes and they were SO good. I even gave some cookies to a couple of friends and they had no idea that they were made with.... yep.....garbonzo beans. CRAZY! I'm so excited about this!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Just a few pics from the week......
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