Went on a little girls trip! Amber, Brittney, Susie and I took a road trip to New Mexico. We stayed with my grandma...ate LOTS and LOTS of yummy food, visited family, shopped and also did THIS....

We drove to Colorado and went river rafting. It was seriously a blast! You can see above how Amber lost her paddle....and she got the most soaked! Sorry girl! That was the most fun ever!

Susie and Amber shopping in Durango.

We also went to Pagosa Springs, Colorado and went to the hot springs. There were 18 different hot springs ranging from 78 degrees to 113. It was so relaxing. Brittney and Susie were really concerned on how they kept them santized without chlorine. Amber and I never really even thought about that....are we gross?

Susie and Britt eating lunch in Durango.

We had so much fun hangin out with my grams. She is so cute. And, totally up on the times. Asking questions about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Between her and my Aunt Jo....we all gained weight. We had chicken sopa, homemade cobbler, biscuits and gravy, taco salad, zuchini bread from the garden, croissant breakfast sandwiches, peaches and ice cream...and the list goes on and on.

I NEVER thought I would see Brittney read an entire book on a trip. She was killing us. One night she stayed up till 3 am reading.

I want this piece of furniture. Bad. I already have a place picked out in my house.