- Went to California with Jen and Jodie. Had a blast! Went to Ikea, Fashion District, Flea Market, ate really good food...i mean really really good food. Shopped in Santa Monica on Third Street Promenade. Got my sand at the beach. Went by too quick.
- Introduced them to Pinkberry. Yum. And found out Jodie is a makeup artist.
- At the flea market...got the most unbelievable deal EVER. An estate sale. Of Fiesta! Are you kidding me? I couldn't breathe. Some pieces were $5.00 Sorry to the lady who died. But score for me! Also got alot of cute other treasures! Plus, a sunburn.
- Went to Kanarraville with Susie for a couple of days. Got to see my parents house. Siding is done. Looks awesome. But still don't want them to move.
- Had an envelope party at Ambers. She had her ultra sound and had Dr. Paul seal the results in an "envelope". Then we had Tanner read them that night. Let's just say she is the best "boy" mom ever! I'm so excited for her...even though I was secretly hoping for a girl! Well, I don't think it was a big secret.
- Finally organized my fabric. In my new cute turquoise table. Perfect fit for now. Easy to see and that makes me happy!
- Last but not least....do you see how cute that little monkey is? A little cowboy hat and all? Apparently the guy was charging $1 to take a picture. I didn't see that sign.