Happy Birthday to my dad and to Paige! I love when birthdays come around because that usually means we'll be seeing KIDDOS! Aurah and baby Hadley came by the night of my dads birthday. I asked Aurah where she got that scratch and she said....i believe it's a rash. Um, ok 3 years old. She is super freakin cute though! Baby Hadley LOVES Papa Richie. He could hold her for hours and she is happy and content as long as it's papa. So adorable.

Went to a few Rebel basketball games this week.
UNLV playing San Diego State was such a great game!
Playing Airforce.....not so much.
But, the company was FUN and our seats were awesome!
I love watching basketball. We used to have season tickets when I was growing up.
In the Larry Johnson, Chris Jeter days.
I miss those days!

Took the girls to see Justin
Bieber movie.
It was for Paiges birthday.
Robin was supposed to come but she was really sick.
So, it was aunt jenny and 2 girls with bieber fever.
When we left. I had the fever.
I really did.
I'm not even embarrassed to say that I saw the movie again.
(in the same day).

I am
SOOOOO excited for my next 2 things.
They were both on my 35 list.
2 now to cross off.
I got my blog book created.
and it's here.
3 full years of blogs.
(i couldn't fit the last 2 so another book is in the process)
It has been so fun looking back at how different everyone looks!
The best thing I've done.
I love it.
And last, but not least.
I bought an iphone.
and more important than that.
a. really. stinkin. cute. case.