Congratulations girl! Email me at
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
more and more weddings....
This just might be the actress in our family.....
This is Paige. She is so dang cute and always up for performing. On Mother's Day, she suprised Hayley with this little song. How adorable is that?
Happy Anniversary
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I thought about what I love about blogging and I realized that it's really fun getting to know people! So, for my 100th post, I decided to give 10 things away that tell a little about ME! 

1. An Oneill beach bag because I LOVE THE BEACH
2. A hair and makeup book cause that's my profession
3. An autograph from Carey Hart because I LOVE working with him and he's hot
4. $5 Sonic gift card because everyone has gotta love a Route 44 with extra ice
5. A makeup bag filled with a few of my favorite products
6. My favorite nail polish (at the moment)
7. A CD of some of my favorite songs because I am a music JUNKIE
8. A tube of Lavender hand balm....I'm addicted
9. One of my favorite Salt City candles
10. A piece of jewelry....cause I love jewels!
Ok. So, for everyone that comments, whether I know you or'll be in a drawing to win my "10 things about me"!
I will pick this Friday so make sure to check back!
Happy 100
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Happy 92nd Birthday Grandma
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Some of my faves.....
I'm in the middle of re vamping my business website....(anybody know someone who needs a website job? I'm in desperate need!) Anyways, I decided to start journaling some of my favorite makeup jobs and on top of that.....very sweet people! This is Garrettson. She was one of the sweetest brides and I feel blessed to have worked with her!

Monday, September 10, 2007
VMA weekend
So, what a weekend! For those of you that don't know my VMA saga....I'll recap the story. I was hired a long time ago to work the VMA's at the Palms. Just one week before the show, the production staff decided to let us know that our rates weren't in their budget. They wanted a better deal. After doing makeup for over 10 years and not "needing the practice" we stuck to our price and wouldn't budge. So, they hired MAC makeup artists at NO COST.....(mac paid them their hourly rate of $9.50 as long as they got publicity of MAC products). Isn't that so crappy? These makeup artists hardly even have experience. I'm hoping this isn't starting to become a production trend. But, after watching a little of the show.....I was so glad I wasn't there. Did anyone else think that was dumb? And, poor Brittney. That's all I can say.
I did get to see Drew, Heather and Aurah on Sunday for a little bit. Isn't she the cutest thing ever? She was so happy! That girl is precious!

I also had to do makeup for a wedding on Saturday. She has been booked for a year with us and I hardly recognized her from the preview. She cut all of her hair, dyed the color, and got contacts. Anyways, she was sweet and everything went good. Aren't befores and afters crazy?

I did get to see Drew, Heather and Aurah on Sunday for a little bit. Isn't she the cutest thing ever? She was so happy! That girl is precious!

I also had to do makeup for a wedding on Saturday. She has been booked for a year with us and I hardly recognized her from the preview. She cut all of her hair, dyed the color, and got contacts. Anyways, she was sweet and everything went good. Aren't befores and afters crazy?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
New Glasses

So, I went for my annual eye exam and the doctor says, "if you were to take the eye exam for getting your drivers license right now, you'd fail". That's nice. I usually only wear them to watch TV or drive at night but apparently I'll be wearing them ALL the time. It's always so hard to pick out glasses. Especially when they are kind of permanent. I really liked these those. What do you all think?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
This will be some kind of wedding

Today I had a preview for a HUGE million dollar wedding that is coming up soon. The bride is so sweet and cute. She has that cute Victoria Beckham hair and she wanted smoky eyes....which I love on short haired brides. I'll totally give details for this wedding when it happens cause it was out of control! I loved the idea of this candy bar she's having. Huge martini glasses filled with ring pops, candy necklaces, m&m's, pink bubble gum, and I could go on and on and on. What a cute idea. Oh, and the groomsmen are wearing black tuxes with pink converse! I love my job!
Oh......what a weekend
Well, I had a pretty eventful weekend.....kind of.
The first thing I'll say is THANK YOU to Jen for being there during my little Red Robin incident. You were so good to me....sorry for the scare!
We went to Red Robin to eat dinner. I started feeling so sick. I was dizzy. I couldn't breathe. I don't really even remember anything but trying to make it to the car and starting to pass out. Someone called 911 and 2 guys helped Jen get me to sit on the curb until the ambulance came. It was so freaky. I was on oxygen for awhile but then after refusing to go the hospital (no medical insurance is a bummer) I just wanted to go home. I think it may have been really low blood sugar but I am going to the doctor to get things checked out. I definately don't want THAT happening again.
Does anybody remember Lambchop? That little puppet that used to be on TV? Well, I worked the Jerry Lewis Telethon doing makeup for all the performers. I worked the 11 p.m. until 8 a.m. shift.....ugh! But, I did work with Ace again (thought of you Jen Sedillo) and then a ton of other pretty cool people. I worked with this really cool family "the Duttons". I guess they were on America's Got Talent. But, they play all these instruments and sing. They were so fun to hang out with all night. We had such a blast. That made working all night worth it. Anyways, back to lambchop. Sherry Lewis was the original lambchop lady but now it's her daughter. She was so nice but a little quirky. I guess you have to be that if you work with a puppet for a living. :) I also worked with some really cool bands and comedians. Overall, it was a good gig!
Me and lamby
My makeup buds. Barbara Jo, Mary, and Kelly....the all nighter crew
The first thing I'll say is THANK YOU to Jen for being there during my little Red Robin incident. You were so good to me....sorry for the scare!
We went to Red Robin to eat dinner. I started feeling so sick. I was dizzy. I couldn't breathe. I don't really even remember anything but trying to make it to the car and starting to pass out. Someone called 911 and 2 guys helped Jen get me to sit on the curb until the ambulance came. It was so freaky. I was on oxygen for awhile but then after refusing to go the hospital (no medical insurance is a bummer) I just wanted to go home. I think it may have been really low blood sugar but I am going to the doctor to get things checked out. I definately don't want THAT happening again.
Does anybody remember Lambchop? That little puppet that used to be on TV? Well, I worked the Jerry Lewis Telethon doing makeup for all the performers. I worked the 11 p.m. until 8 a.m. shift.....ugh! But, I did work with Ace again (thought of you Jen Sedillo) and then a ton of other pretty cool people. I worked with this really cool family "the Duttons". I guess they were on America's Got Talent. But, they play all these instruments and sing. They were so fun to hang out with all night. We had such a blast. That made working all night worth it. Anyways, back to lambchop. Sherry Lewis was the original lambchop lady but now it's her daughter. She was so nice but a little quirky. I guess you have to be that if you work with a puppet for a living. :) I also worked with some really cool bands and comedians. Overall, it was a good gig!

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