So, what a weekend! For those of you that don't know my VMA saga....I'll recap the story. I was hired a long time ago to work the VMA's at the Palms. Just one week before the show, the production staff decided to let us know that our rates weren't in their budget. They wanted a better deal. After doing makeup for over 10 years and not "needing the practice" we stuck to our price and wouldn't budge. So, they hired MAC makeup artists at NO COST.....(mac paid them their hourly rate of $9.50 as long as they got publicity of MAC products). Isn't that so crappy? These makeup artists hardly even have experience. I'm hoping this isn't starting to become a production trend. But, after watching a little of the show.....I was so glad I wasn't there. Did anyone else think that was dumb? And, poor Brittney. That's all I can say.
I did get to see Drew, Heather and Aurah on Sunday for a little bit. Isn't she the cutest thing ever? She was so happy! That girl is precious!

I also had to do makeup for a wedding on Saturday. She has been booked for a year with us and I hardly recognized her from the preview. She cut all of her hair, dyed the color, and got contacts. Anyways, she was sweet and everything went good. Aren't befores and afters crazy?