First of all....I've missed everyone! Sorry for the long post. Just trying to catch up! The holidays were so great! We spent Christmas Eve at my sister Robins. The food was incredible. Everyone was able to come plus some! We had a white elephant gift exchange. I got a Sonic gift card. Well, I stole it from Drew. I have already used 1/2 of it. We made the rounds on Christmas morning starting at my moms. Daves kids were so cute. I absolutely love watching kids open presents. So dramatic. Loved it. Then we went to Robins and had a big breakfast with all the family. Even extended. We opened presents there too. Everyone got spoiled. As usual. I'll post what I got later. It was a great day. I gave Aurah her first baby doll. She loved it! She was holding its arm and eating her fingers all day. So cute! It was my moms birthday a few days after Christmas. We all went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. It was fun to see everyone and enjoy some really good food. And cheesecake. :) I LOVE getting Christmas cards! Thanks for everyone who sent one. I didn't want to take them down. I loved looking at them everyday. Especially pictures! Jen and I made these chocolate dipped rice krispie things. They turned out really cute and were actually really really good. It was fun! New Years was fun! I had 2 friends fly in from LA for basically 24 hours. We shopped during the day - they didn't bring coats. Then, a few of us ate dinner at Lawry's and then hung out at Green Valley Ranch for ahile. I dropped my friends off at the strip. They didn't get home until 5 a.m. I was so glad to be sound asleep in my bed! I still am thinking about NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. I want to be realistic but definitely want to make some good goals. I will post later about that. A BIG HUGE thank you to Carla and Chuckie for the Dunkin Donuts gift card. That was so sweet! I used it last night. Got to get a few donuts in before the diet thing starts! I hope everyone had a great holiday!