Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sad sad day
For those of you who don't know my sister in law Hayley....she's the best! Not only is she an amazing person always serving many...but has always been so incredibly good to me. The biggest blessing I continually thank her for is that she allows me to have great realtionships with her children because I don't have any of my own. She makes "aunts" have special callings in life!
Today Hayley was hit by a car while walking into Dillards. As she was crossing the street, the lady in the car didn't see Hayley, and hit her dead on. We are all SO grateful that Hayley will be ok. In the hospital she was able to get a priesthood blessing from my dad and brother. With such a scary situation, we just want to tell her WE LOVE YOU and we are all here for you....ready to help in any way we can!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
The good and the not so good
My week:
*my friend Jen cleaned my entire fridge! Threw away all expired stuff. Took every single thing out. Washed every shelf. Organized absolutely everything. Jen, I love you! =so good
*my friend Linda suprised me and had my car detailed. WOW! What a treat. =so good
*my friend Susie treated me to dinner at Buca! Chicken Parmesean. =so good
*I got in a bit of an altercation at the store. This 400 pound black lady called me a stupid white b****! Yeah that's another whole story. I was kind of scared. =not so good
*I had a makeup job that went so smooth. Love those jobs. And, good money. =so good
*I bought some things to help me get a little bit organized. AND I started to actually do some.
It felt so good to purge out all those things we never really need but for some reason keep. For years. Ah! =so good
*Got to see so much family at the 2 Williams baby showers! Both of my cousins are due within 5 weeks of each other and so they decided to have a dual baby shower! It was a blast! Stef is on the left and is due 1st week in Dec with a girl! and Kim is on the right and is due in the last week of Oct. with a boy! We are so excited! =so good
*Midnight and I'm dead asleep and my home alarm system starts going off! I was so scared to think that someone was breaking in. So, I picked up my phone to call the company and my phone lines were all dead. So I called my mom and dad from my cell phone and they stayed on the line with me while I walked downstairs to be killed. jk. I really was crying though. I think I was a little in shock from being woken up to that annoying alarm plus not knowing what was going on. Short....er story. My alarm is malfunctioning and I have to have someone come out. They don't have an opening until Tuesday. So, going back to bed with pillows over my head because it would go off every3 minutes. =not so good
*Woke up tired because of the night I had but still had lots to do. Went to Town Square to fill up on all the makeup I was out of for my kit. They had every single thing I went there for =so good
*I bought my first Christmas present! YAY! I even started my Christmas Shopping List for everyone I need to buy for. I'm gonna try to be on it this year! =so good
*Had an awesome family dinner at my moms! I have the best parents in the world! All of us were able to come except Brad. Emily, Kallen, Jonathan and Arlene also joined us! We had really good food. Really good desserts. We played WiFit. We laughed and had a fun time. Arlene made a 1st place new record. Brittney made 2 1st place new records. Heather made a 1st place record too! We were having the best time! =so good
*Got to see the kiddos. All of them were so sweet! The 2 babies were fun tonight. Full of personality. Aurah got her new mermaid dress up outfit. She was so happy. and Emmy was happy to just chill. =so good
*I know there were things this week that weren't so good but overall, I am so blessed to have amazing friends and family who are always lookin out for me! I love you guys!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i miss her.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Day 2. Projects.
Project ONE complete
An elderly lady friend of mine whom I've been so blessed to have in my life asked me recently for a huge favor!
She had been given hand written journals from her father and his twin brother written in 1904. Her mother had saved them for her after she passed away.
Debby has treasured these journals for years and years. The sad part is that Debby is legally blind. She has been unable to read these journals which have meant so much to her.
I feel honored that she would trust me with these journals. She asked if I would translate the words of these journals and type them with a larger font. Then, with her magnifying glass...she could read herself the words written from her father. This meant so much to her!
So, between my mom, dad and Amber...this mission was accomplished.
We found two boxes to keep the original journals including the new bound copy safe. We painted the boxes and then lined them with a semi flocked paper - one of Debby's favorite patterns. We copied the picture of the 2 boys who wrote the journals and bound that in the back of the box. We reglued some of the original seams since they are over 100 years old. I hand typed 89 pages of history! I printed them all out, picked out coordinating paper and had the book bound. It now has a safe place in it's own box.
Doesn't it feel so good to do something for someone else that has a greater meaning than we will ever know?

Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy 93!
Today was my grandma Opal's 93rd birthday party! We had so much fun! The kids did a little program, we ate, laughed, sang, visited....and took lots of pictures! Thanks to Jen for the popcorn machine! It was a total hit! I think the adults loved it just as much as the kids! We really appreciated it! Thanks also to my mom and dad for all the hard work in putting this all together and for my friends in supporting me by coming! You'll never know how much it means to me that you girls are like family! Well....you are family! :) It's a blessing to share in events like these with friends and family who we all love!
5 Memories of Grandma Opal
1. She let my friend and I come stay for the weekend in Kanarraville but when we got there...there wasn't any diet coke. So, she sent us out in the snow to walk down to the store. The snow covered our knees. And it was freezing. When we got back she was crackin up saying "you girls looked ridiculous out there walkin in that snow but it sure was funny!" Made our day!
Well at least we got our Diet Coke.
2. Grandma isn't really up on the times and styles of the hair so everytime I see her she'll say...oh sweetie I have a brush in the other room...you better go fix your hair. And, I'll say grandma that's the way it's supposed to be and she would just laugh.
3. Grandma is always wanting to know where I get my boobs from. I think THAT is hillarious!
4. I got a diamond ring for my 18 th birthday and after family dinner we were washing dishes and my ring was missing! I was devistated! I thought my dad was going to kill me. It must have fallen down the sink. My dad spent 2 hours taking apart the entire kitchen. My mom and I were in the front yard sifting through all the trash and there's my grandma sitting at the table reading a magazine. WITH MY RING ON! She said...I thought it would be a funny little trick.
5. Grandma used to take all the little kids to the cemetary in Kanarra. At night. Well, she always had her little scary story all planned out just at the time we'd pass by the glow in the dark tombstone. Even though we all new it was coming....we still were all SO scared!
I love my grandma for so many things...
She is so patient
Always Kind
Always in the best mood!
So lovable
Very giving
Loyal to her family
Loves everyone
and my favorite.........
has a shoe fettish.
Like me.
I love you grams

Monday, September 8, 2008
Where I've been....
No where really. I have been so bad about blogging :( I wish I had so many exciting things to tell but I don't.
I did read 2 books in the last week. Well, I'm almost done with The Wednesday Letters. Hopefully tonight.
My friend Jen and I went to the JW Marriott spa in Summerlin. It was so much fun! I needed that! So relaxing! Thanks Jen! (this picture is neither of us)

About a year ago, I did makeup for a People magazine shoot featuring Jeff Henderson. Most commonly known as Chef Jeff. Well, he called me last week to come and do another photo shoot. And, in one year.....he's been on Oprah, GMA, soon to be on Ellen, wrote 2 books, has a new TV show on Food Network AND Will Smith bought the rights to his story! It's a very cool story! Make sure to check out his website!http://www.chefjeffcooked.com
After the photo shoot, he cooked up ribeyes, corn on the cob, asparagus, potatoes....so good! Gotta love those jobs!
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