First of all....a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom (December 30th) and Dane (January 8)! I love you both so much!

I'm not sure where all of the time went and how I got so behind....but here's a few pictures to recap what's been going on around here!
*SNOW...I still can't believe it! I loved it...while it lasted. I could never live in it.

Aurah and Emmy in their nightly stroller run. All bundled up. So freaking cute. Emmy looks a little scared but Aurah is always taking care of her. I love those girls.

Aurah seriously watches TV like this. I think it is the funniest thing ever!

We had a little Christmas party for my grandma Opal at the place where she lives. It was so fun! A lot of food...entertainment and Christmas caroling. It was fun to be with everybody before Christmas. Drew, Heather and Aurah went to Minnesota for Christmas, so I'm glad it worked out for them to come by!

My friend Susie went in for minor surgery right before Christmas. It unfortunately turned into major surgery and we all felt so bad! So, we sent flowers but thought this little candy bar card would cheer her up!

Christmas this year was very good. A little quiet. Different. I was glad to spend time with my parents and be able to see most of my family. Being with those you love is what it's all about. I've finally figured that out. The kids all got so much stuff and it was fun giving all the gifts to the little ones. I love their faces! I must have been SO good...I was spoiled by everyone. So, thank you to all my family and ALL my friends for the great gifts! I still haven't put everything away! I'm SO excited to start using all of my little gadgets! The homemade gifts from the kids were incredible! I cherish those things like crazy.

It's a tradition to go to the Cheesecake Factory with everyone to celebrate my mom's birthday! Not everyone was able to gets harder and harder for everyone to make it but we all had WAY too much to eat and a lot of fun! Emmy loved the little cake with the candle!

New Years was very low key this year but ALOT of fun! Because Susie was just out of the hospital...we thought we would bring dinner and the party to her! We had Lawry's prime rib and played games, had a dance off....I think I came in second to Jenny....and watched some New years coverage on TV. Oh, and peach cobbler. Yum. So, considering the was a blast and a good way to welcome 2009.