December 20, 2009 was a sad day. We lost my sweet grandmother. My mom lost her mom just days before Christmas and that breaks my heart. I have so many memories of my grandma. We were very close and I cherish every minute we were together. She was a riot. The funniest personality, the most giving lady in the world, the most stylish (her love of shoes!) and most of all her love for the gospel and America. She was so patriotic and wanted red, white and blue flowers on her casket. She was a loving wife, sister, aunt, the best mother (next to mine :) ) , a grandmother to 8, a great grandmother to 13, and a great great grandmother to 2. I can't even explain the emptiness I feel without my cute "CP" as she once called herself. Stands for cute princess. I love you grandma. I cannot wait to see you again!

The above picture was taken last year at her birthday party.