Monday, March 22, 2010
lots of snow for lots of fun
Last weekend I was invited to spend a few days with my friend Jen and her family in Utah. They have a cabin in Brianhead and were so sweet to include me with their family! However, things were not that easy getting there! There was so much snow, that the people who were already there were snowed in, and those of us who weren't there yet....couldn't get in! It was kind of comical. But, after being snowmobiled in about a 25 min ride....we were there! But, then came the snowmobile mechanical problems. Spark plugs, brakes, gas....we needed it all! They were stuck miles away from the cabin. But about 4 hours later, with a bunch of exhausted peeps, we all we there! And, it was a total blast! We had great food, alot of laughs, games, snowmobiling, tubing, some skiied, some snowboarded, and relaxation too! It was a much needed trip!