The Candy Baron in Laguna....can you SEE the excitement of my face? I love this place!
Monday, September 6, 2010
San Clemente 2010
Well, for those of you who know me....know I probably don't love anything more than the beach!
So, when I was invited for a weekend beach trip with the Stewart bunch...I was so excited! The Stewarts did a little house swap with The Fosters (jen's parents) and also jen's sister and brother in law....Brad and Becky! So, between the two houses in Laguna, we all stayed SUPER comfortably! It was like a big party the whole time! I love this family like my own! Thanks for inviting me to come play! :) Here were a few highlights of the trip:
This is Brad and Becky's house that I stayed in with Jen, Annette, Earnest and their kiddos!
Here's Jen! Her family was so nice to give up their places for us! I hope they had fun in Vegas but I'm pretty sure we had the better end of the deal!
The two Jen Stewarts. Most people get confused when I blog because 2 Jen's with the same last name = recipe for confusement!
Here's Levi. So stinkin cute. Chris and Heather's little guy.
Of course we made a quick pit stop to Johnny Rockets on the beach. Who can go there without getting a milkshake??
Me and Christina! (Will's wife) I love this girl! She is so fun to be around and she's my boogie boardin buddy! We didn't get to surf at all this time....:( but next time for sure!
You can't even tell that we all just got pumpled by some severe waves! I was just concerned if my legs were bleeding! It was soooooooooo worth it!
I think someone had just told me the water was 60 degrees. ha!