So, this week has been filled with all kinds of crazy jobs. First, I worked on an infomercial for Susan Lucci's Youthful Essence. I used part of the product on my face in the picture below....can you tell? yeah right. Anyways, it was a CRAZY job. I had to do makeup for all of these soap stars from All my Children (i've never seen the show). It was pretty fun but really long hours! Glad it's done....can't wait for the paycheck.

This job was from a People Magazine shoot. They were shooting a story on a lady who started an organization in getting free flights for sick children. Very cool. These 2 little girls were adorable. Very hyper and spoiled.....but so cute. I curled their hair and did a little lipgloss. They thought they were in heaven! The issue is supposed to be out in January! SIDE NOTE: The day before the shoot, my agent couldn't find a prop stylist and asked me if there would be any possible way I could do both jobs. All she needed me to do was find a few airplanes for the shoot. I would be making double the money so I said sure. Um, I decided I am so glad I am a makeup artist and NOT a prop stylist. First of all, it was out of control finding the dumb planes and then once I got there, they decided to use ALL of them. Well, the first plane had 52 pieces that I WAS SUPPOSED TO PUT TOGETHER. Needless to say....Jen and my dad worked that day for People too. I am giving the biggest props to both of them. They totally saved me and put together all the planes in time for the shoot! Thank you so much!

Friday night was the Video Game Awards at Mandalay Bay. I had never even heard of such an award show but it was a blast. After I got my nap.....then it got pretty busy. Samuel Jackson was the host. I did makeup for Criss Angel, Dave Navarro, the Foo Fighters, Tony Hawk, Heidi and Spencer from the Hills and a few others. But, this was one of Kid Rocks dancers and I had so much fun doing her makeup. Don't look at me in this picture....I hate standing next to models but I thought her makeup turned out so good! It was a really fun show!