I'm finally feeling ready to blog a little. It has been such an emotional week but I have so many pictures to share. I went to a party at my good friend the Findlays on Halloween. It was a lot of fun to be around tons of family and friends. We had dinner and let all the kids trick or treat in the Fountains. They were in heaven with "big size" candy bars at every house. I guess every kids dream!

My brother Dave as a used car salesman. I must admit that this costume was classic. He even had the "Findlay Toyota Salesman of the Month" badge. Ed and Linda got such a kick out of his costume. Good job Dave!

Paige as a toothfairy....Brooke as a DIVA....and Dane as a cowboy!

My little sweet Aurah's first Halloween as a kangaroo. Cutest ever!

Jen and I also went out to see her neices and nephew in their costumes. Had trouble getting them all to look at the camera but they also were so cute! They LOVE their aunt Jenny!