I went for it! Got out all my Christmas decorations and then realized we still have another week left in November. Oh well. If I didn't do it now, it probably wouldn't get done. I LOVE Christmas decorations. I don't really have the "traditional" Christmas colors but, who cares right? I also finished altering my advent calendar. The picture doesn't really do it justice but I do love the way it looks. Knowing me, I probably won't even open the little doors on the right day, but it's all in good spirit! :)

I finally got this picture of Christ that I have had my eye on forever at Desert Book. I love it!

You all know I couldn't post without a cute little picture of my chunky Aurah! Notice her pants aren't even buttoned up. :) This girl is the joy of my life. It's so fun having little babies around. I cannot wait to spoil another one in a few months! You would never know because Brittney IS NOT SHOWING YET!