-went to my niece Paiges baptism...she is so precious.
-finished reading Twilight. Am I the only one that wasn't completely crazy about this book?
I think I was reading into vampires too much. I won't be reading New Moon right away.
I did buy 4 new books and am 1/2 way through another one which I am loving!
-Amber had a birthday! I was sad I had to work that day. Probably because it was an extremely ghetto job but pretty good money. I did get to see her that night for a bit. Hope you had a great day!
-Getting ready for a HUGE bridal show at Dragon Ridge Country Club. Trying to assemble 250 gifts for upscale brides from my company Eye Do.
-Had a little hospital scare with my niece Brittney. False labor but I was there with her until the end. So, we went to On the Border for Mexican food. It was really good.
-Missed my cousins Brooke's wedding because being in the hospital. Although I did get to do her makeup before I left so it all worked out. She looked so beautiful in her dress. I'll post that later.
-I started a diet. Lost 3 pounds so far.
-Gave my mom and Hayley a manicure and pedicure before they left on their 7 day cruise. I miss talking to my parents everyday. I hope they are having a blast!
-Visited my new favorite store in Town Square called FRUITS & PASSIONS. I am seriously addicted.
-Made a New York packing list. We leave in 8 days.
-Started walking everyday. It feels so good but if I go at night, I have trouble sleeping. I'll have to rethink that decision.
-Went grocery shopping with my friend Jen. I had a $50.00 gift card to Trader Joes. We got stocked up on some really good food.
-Totally dreading and dragging my feet to get my taxes done and taken to my accountant before I leave for New York. Is that really going to happen?
-Got in for a haircut and some new highlights. I love it! Had to make sure I did that now cause when the baby comes, my stylist might be laid up for awhile!
-Getting ready for a commercial tomorrow. Dreading the long day already.
-excited to find out which celebrity I'll be working with all day Thursday for a film junket.
-Got to see my sweet Aurah. We played peek a boo.
-got to check out Brittneys new nursery. So excited about all the cute shoes the little girls gonna have!
Just a few random pictures from these crazy last few days.
Sorry I haven't commented on blogs lately but I am reading them and keeping myself informed on everyone!
-so tired. Going to bed.