Well, I'm back from Mexico. 2.5 pounds heavier. Less than I was thinking.
Because we were in a feeding frenzy!
But, there were many lessons learned.
He's just so easy going.
I even got him to parasail with me!
However, the ADULT pool area was more my style.

Notice the parasailer almost crashing into a building.
That would be me.
It's probably not a good idea to have more than one.
Don't let your brother talk you into going into a cage with monkeys.

Just offer to take a picture of him with a snake.
These two were like little school kids in love.
And, I loved that my roomie "susie" didn't mind when I wanted to take
a nap. ok. everyday.
Well, at least mine are.
You could get lost.

I finally think I learned my lesson with sunblock.
I applied spf 50 and came home barely burned!
Probably annoying for our other cruisers, but we had a blast!
Got a little freaked out.
Realized my mom is an animal! She was a party animal!
Loved karaoke. Chatted with everyone.
Made the trip so great!