This week was a little crazy but is work and I'm blessed to have it!
I did makeup for the ACM Awards and it was a blast. Met soooo many great people, laughed, ate, and saw some pretty fine faces! I love my job.

Hillary with Lady Antebellum cleaned up on those awards! Good job!

This is Liz. The cutest girl ever. She sings back up for Taylor Swift. Who also is the cutest girl ever...Liz was so cute about her lips. She loved the way I did them. So, I gave her the lipgloss. You would have thought I gave her 200 dollars. She was adorable! Liz....I hope you look like a golden goddess with that gloss! And you totally rocked the stage!

This is Rhapsody. So sweet. She was performing last night with Laura Bell Bundy. What a hot little number they had. And, Rhapsody did an awesome job dancing!

Now, this would be LL Cool J. {ladies love cool james} This is right before he had to go and introduce Taylor Swift to perform. I love him. always have.'s Danny Gokey from American Idol. What a little cutie.

I had some good friends come into town during this crazy week but I'm so glad we got to hang out for a bit....even though I'm prrrrreeeeeeeety sure intoxication was the word of the night for some of them. It's ok Paula. I still love ya!

This is Song and I. We worked a Cici's Pizza commerical together. Sounds pretty fun right?
Well, try9 p.m. - 7 a.m. {all nighters suck} with no air at one point. Pizza that had to keep getting sprayed with hairspray to make them look hot and right out of the oven.....we were just tired, hot, and needed to sleep. But, anyways, I love working with Song. We laugh so much and eat...haha! I love ya Song!