Another tradition we have is to go to the williams christmas express. It is so much fun! That family goes waaaaaay above and beyond for the community! My mom was sick and couldnt go this year. So sad!!! And we never ran into the Leavitts. So that was a bummer not seeing those cute kiddos.
Can't wait to go next year! Hopefully we can all be together!
I didnt get to decorate as much as I normally would love to but the month just got so busy, I was lucky to have a tree up! My deer collection is growing and I LOVE it! Im obsessed with all of them! Christmas is my favorite holiday and the magic in the air is perfection!

Lindsay Stone invited me to her family ranch to check it out during the day. It was sooooo amazing! I have been to the christmas express for a few years but seeing it during the day was really cool. Her mom has built a little "hobbit" community with curved doors and little hallways. I couldnt believe how amazing this place was! I want to live there! We saw all the animals and the family lake. We had lunch and helped stock the trains with santa gifts. I can't wait to take my kiddos out there to see all the goodness!! 

Had a total makeup day at casa Jen Rose. Tina Christesen was going to her husband's work Christmas party. Lizz Varner was going to her husbands as well. And Robin! Emmy came by to visit so I put a little gloss and blush on her. She is a makeup queen! I also worked for Lighspeed Media and met an awesome friend! Her name is Brigette and she the sweetest!

December was the wedding of the century! Kayla Varner married Bryce Harper in the LDS San Diego Temple. Robin jumped in the car to keep me company but it was the quickest trip! I did makeup for Kayla and Lizz and they looked gorgeous. The weather was insane! Rain and almost snow! It was crazy. But the pictures turned out beautiful and super unique! The reception was THE BEST one I have ever been to. Every single detail was perfect. A donut wall....what!?! Yep. A nacho bar, mocktails, hot chocolate, insanely good food and so much fun!! So thankful to be apart of such a
such a great day. Seeing Bryce and Kayla in the temple had everyone in tears. They deserve all the happiness in the world. That really was a special day.
Every year we make it a tradition to go and sing songs to the rest home where my grandma lived before she passed away. It is such a cool experience. They feed us and have a party! My mom plays the piano and all the kids sing and dance. It truly is one of my favorite things to do! This year we met
a cute little lady named Ann. She has never had a visitor. That broke my heart. We asked what her favorite song to sing was and it was silent night. When we started singing, tears started rolling down her face. It was truly the right thing for us to be there that night. I love the Beehive House.
This year was special because Brooke and David came for Christmas! We had so much fun having su, going to Gameworks and hitting up every single Target in Las Vegas! We also had a gingerbread house making contest! It got pretty intense between Brooke and I. We posted our pictures on facebook and let people vote. Brooke won. (But not by a lot). Haha! I love these people!

Christmas was such a great day. I didn't get to take that many pictures but we had a jam packed full day. I went to church in my brothers ward, had breakfast at my mom and dads, family gift opening, a quick nap and then Christmas dinner at Robin and Tony's. i gave all the girls their own makeup kits and they were in heaven! I love all of our family traditions!

We also had our family tradition of Christmas Eve dinner at Balboa pizza. We had so much good food and the kids were adorable. It seems like just a simple thing....but these family traditions are so special. 

Amber and I had our annual Christmas get together! Lunch, shopping and gift exchange. Love this girl!

Celebrated my mom's birthday at Cheesecake Factory with the family. Holden was the highlight this year. Making his way to everyone with hugs and kisses. 

New Years Eve was a whirwind this year. Susie couldnt join our annual New Years dinner but we still got together for Samarai Steakhouse and a movie! Then we went to my house and watched fireworks. Asleep by 1 am. Pure heaven!