I saw LUCKY YOU on Friday with my friend Jen! It was a pretty good movie. Alot of poker but it was cool to see my work on the big screen. Thanks for supporting me in that. :)
I also had 3 seperate makeup jobs on Saturday...craziness! They all went well but the last one was an absolute hysterical unbelievably ridiculous party for a 13 yr old. Over a million dollars. It was at the Wynn. Just a few tidbits. The birthday girls name was Sydney and the theme was Sydneywood. (hollywood style)
-they rented 3 ballrooms at the Wynn Hotel
-had a live band plus a DJ
-hired fake paparazzi to take pictures of Sydney walking down a red carpet they had installed
-flew in look alikes of Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton to take pictures with the kids....mind you they were between the ages of 5-13
-they had a recording studio set up that all the kids could sing and each one could take a cd home....as many as they would like
-they hired the same choreographers who dance for Jennifer Lopez and Brittney Spears to teach the teenie boppers to dance
-they had a full open "virgin" bar with pina coladas and margaritas etc.
-they had an 8 course meal catered by a top chef at the Wynn
-they were all given "Sydney money" that they could go to a makeshift "Sydney store" and buy things like IPODS, tvs, cell phones etc.
-they had 3 different professional photographers who were taking pictures all night and then were having made hard bound books for all the kids to have as a memory
-they had videographers there
-we were at a makeup station for the kids to have their makeup done
ok. I can't talk about it anymore because I am getting seriously sick. I understand if you have money - that is awesome. I just think the kids might be a little messed up in life. And what on earth are these parents going to do when she turns 16, or graduates high school, or gets married? Am I wrong? At least I laughed hard all day.
The above picture of one of Jenna and I cracking up at this party. I could go on and on about things here but its probably best not to. And if you are reading this and know these people; I'm sorry. I just have never seen such a thing.